Walton Greene Walton Greene

CTK Youth Recap - Issue 1

CTK Youth weekly recap provides a quick glimpse into the youth ministry and keeps you informed on what's coming up.

Hey parents! Welcome to the new CTK Youth Recap/Blog. We want to utilize this space to provide updates on what we are studying in CTK Youth each week and what’s coming up on our calendar.

Last night, we worked through New City Catechism Question 3, “How many persons are there in God?” Answer: There are three persons in one God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The students were asking really great questions as we worked through this topic. Here are a few good topics and questions for you to be asking your student as you go throughout the week:

  1. How many persons are there in God? Why is that important?

  2. Help them memorize 2 Corinthians 13:14.

  3. Is each person in the Trinity, of the same kind/substance or are they different? Why is this important? (They really enjoyed nailing down on this)

Click Here to access the New City Catechism so you can brush up on this topic and answer any questions that may arise.

Coming Up
  1. UWG Wolves Game - February 18 - 3:30 PM (Meet at the church and we’ll ride over together)

  2. West GA DNOW - March 17-18 - Cost per student is $35

  3. Cross Camp - June 19-23 - Cost per student is $250

If you’re not familiar with DNOW, then this is a two-day event for youth groups across our area. We join with many other like-minded churches to gather around the Bible, spend time in small groups discussing the talks, and get to know one another better. The cost is $35 and this covers their supplies, two meals, and a t-shirt.

Cross Camp is the summer camp we attend each summer with several other local churches. We travel to the Gulf of Mexico and spend the week studying a specific passage of scripture and having a blast! The cost per camper is $250. We are going to have at least one fundraiser this spring to give your student a great opportunity to pay for their camp costs by selling raffle tickets. We will get more info on this to you in the coming weeks.


Each week we plan to provide resources to books, podcasts, or videos that we are using to prepare for Youth or that you might find helpful in the weekly discipleship of your student at home.

  1. Family Discipleship - Matt Chandler & Adam Griffin

  2. TGC Podcast Episode: Teach Your Kids to Love the Local Church

  3. Raising Kids in the Way of Grace - Bob Kellemen

Know that we love you and your student. We pray daily for them to grow in their understanding of the gospel and love for the Lord. Please reach feel free to reach out to me at any time.

Pastor Jacob

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